The Old School Community Gathering Place recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage to develop and promote our cultural resources for all Nova Scotians
The Old School was awarded a grant through Nova Scotia Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage “Community Facilities Improvement Program” for assistance with the roofing project.

In 2023 we received funding through Efficiency Nova Scotia’s Affordable housing program as well as from Halifax’s Community Grants’ program for the installation of seven mini-split heat pumps and a heat recovery ventilator system, replacement of the old lights with energy efficient LED fixtures, adding more insulation in the attic, upgrading the electrical system and installing a tankless hot water heater.
The Old School would like to thank the following for their professionalism and for making this all happen:
Scotia HVAC (heat pumps)
Newman Electric (lighting)
MJM Energy Ltd. (insulation)
Seamless Electric (electrical upgrade)
Corey Adams (heat recovery ventilator system)
Paragon Electric (electrical work)
UtMa HPS Ltd. (plumbing work)
The Old School houses a commercial kitchen and a 1024 ft square multipurpose room with A/V technology, with two smaller classrooms. WI-FI is available.
Contact us to book one of our rooms. 902-889-2735
The building is wheelchair accessible via an outdoor ramp, and there is a wheelchair accessible washroom.
Additionally, The Old School manages the Musquodoboit Harbour Community Garden.